DOG POUND – CATCH IT ( B ) Dog Pound is a very interesting and realists look in to the Juvenile prison’s world. The movie starts off really strong by showing the leading 3 male teens involving in drugs, assault and theft. They get caught up and get imprisonment in Juvi prison. Then the bully starts from the teens living and running the Juvi prison. The bullying sequences are really interesting and 1st half just flies by. The problems starts in the 2nd half when movie becomes rather more cliché, when Adam Butcher Aka. Butch takes over the prison after beating up the bullying teens. There are more nasty female jokes, few more beat ups and drug intake. The ending becomes really cliché and sudden death of two of the teens comes out from no-where. Mateo Morales Aka. Angel dies when a police office just pushes him and he hit his head with the pipe, he collapse there and later on dies. (No further actions have been shown against police officer, why Angel’s parents didn’t come to find out what exactly happened in here?). Shane Kippel’s death is quite weird, Angel’s dies and Butch is put into solitary confinement , so Butch is in the solitary confinement then the bully teens target the frighten Boy Davis and rape him, that night he dies from bleeding. (shock :-O) he dies so suddenly like that with internal bleeding, I think it came out too sudden. Adam Butcher as Butch is really good in Dog Pound, he doesn’t have to say much and with his eyes and face he showed all the emotions. Shane Kippel and Mateo Morales as Davis and Angel respectively did a fine job. Nonetheless a good movie which becomes rather cliché in the end, still it’s a good movie to give it a shot.
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